EU’s Nature Restoration Law
减缓和适应气候变化的支柱 A Pillar for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation 欧盟的《自然恢复法》是《欧洲绿色协议》的核心组成部分,是一项旨在扭转欧洲生态系统退化趋势的有力的立法工作。它旨在重建生物多样性和确保生态系统服务,这对欧盟的气候减缓和适应目标至关重要。这项法律是使环境恢复与更广泛的气候战略保持一致的重要工具。 The EU’s Nature Restoration Law, introduced as a central component of the European Green Deal, is an ambitious legislative effort aimed at reversing the degradation of Europe’s ecosystems. It seeks to re-establish biodiversity and secure ecosystem services, which are crucial for the EU’s climate mitigation and …