China Europe Carbon Neutral officially certified as ‘Four Talents’ Enterprise by Chengdu High-Tech Zone
4月26日,成都高新区公布了2022年第四批“四派人才”企业名单,仲欧脱碳科技获得“四派人才”企业身份的正式认证! On April 26th, Chengdu High-tech Zone announced the list of the fourth batch of “Four Talents” Enterprises (applied in 2022). China Euro Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) was officially certified as “Four Talents” Enterprise! “四派人才”是成都高新区对“蓉归派、海归派、学院派、创客派”这四类人才的统一定义。对“四派人才”所创办的科技创新类企业,政策上将给予多方面的优待支持。 仲欧脱碳科技凭借其在“脱碳”咨询领域深厚的知识积累和在中欧企业、协会组织间的良好关系,努力推进中欧间在碳中和之路上紧密合作,将来自欧洲的“脱碳”经验和技术知识引入中国,根据每个项目的具体情况量体裁衣,为各方的共同目标——2050年实现碳中和而努力。 “Four Talents” is the unified definition of the four types of talents in Chengdu High-Tech Zone, talents return to Sichuan, …