1月11日,《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进美丽中国建设的意见》发布。意见分为10章共33条,提出未来5年和到2035年美丽中国建设的主要目标、重大任务和重大改革措施,是指导全面推进美丽中国建设的纲领性文件。
On January 11, The Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council issued guidelines to comprehensively promote the development of a “Beautiful China.” The guidelines include 10 chapters and 33 articles, guiding the comprehensive promotion of building up a beautiful China by setting out the main objectives, major tasks, and major reform measures for future development in the next five years and up to 2035.
In addition to indicating a route for the future development of China’s urban and rural areas, the guidelines also mention the integration of future urban and rural development with the implementation of the carbon-neutral roadmap, re-emphasizing China’s determination to adhere to the timeline of the development trajectory of the carbon-neutral roadmap.

⦁ 到2027年,绿色低碳发展深入推进,主要污染物排放总量持续减少。
⦁ 到2035年,广泛形成绿色生产生活方式,碳排放达峰后稳中有降,基本实现美丽中国目标。
⦁ 到本世纪中叶,绿色发展方式和生活方式现代化全面实现,重点领域实现深度脱碳,美丽中国全面建成。
The release of these guidelines also puts forward three time-nodes:
⦁ By 2027, green and low-carbon development will be deeply promoted, and the total amount of major pollutant emissions will be continuously reduced.
⦁ By 2035, low-carbon production and living styles will be widely formed, carbon emissions will peak and then decline steadily, and the goal of a beautiful China will be basically realized.
⦁ By the middle of this century, the low-carbon development and modernized lifestyle will be fully realized, key areas will be deeply decarbonized, and a beautiful China will be fully built.
In order to better promote the actual implementation of the guidelines, building “pilot zones” of beautiful China has also been put on the agenda. Through the creation of pilot zones in different regions, local governments should be able to explore a replicable, learnable, and scalable experience model, which will facilitate building up a beautiful China in a more sustainable and low-carbon way.
Starting from the end of 2023, the central government’s support for the low-carbon transformation of economic production has increased significantly compared to the previous two years. In recent 2 months, a number of ministries have issued guiding documents or new policies regarding the future development of low-carbonization, encouraging enterprises to optimize their own production and operation processes to reduce carbon emissions, and encouraging communication between domestic entities and foreign entities, especially to those from regions that started low-carbonization in earlier period like Italy, France, German and etc.

In the past few years, China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN) has successfully organized a number of online meetings, and seminars between Chinese and foreign entities even during the pandemic lockdown period. After entering into 2023, CNEUCN participated in many carbon-neutral or low-carbonization-related activities, including the webinar “Energy Crisis or Energy Transition” jointly organized with the University of Macerata China Center, and the key event of the 17th EU – CHINA Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, Conference “Transitioning to Carbon Neutrality – Common Goals and Contributions of Chinese and European Enterprises”, which CNEUCN acted as the co-organizer.
正如本次《意见》中提及的 先行区概念,仲欧脱碳科技相信一个科学的,因地制宜的工作方法,能够在不同情况中发挥巨大的作用。
New economic models, lifestyles, and a radical cultural shift are equally important drivers in the path to carbon neutrality. Bare technologies implementation cannot guarantee achieving expected growth breakthrough if not holistically planned through comprehensive strategies able to harmonize all the components.
In CNEUCN we firmly believe that we can have one methodology to be applied but, the final results will be infinite.
Each local development strategies must be tailor made and tuned taking into account specific geographical conditions, heritages, economic and social roles, for shaping new economic growth models, industrial mechanisms, financial approaches, with the aim at preserve our planet then people health meanwhile creating new jobs with higher productivity and value added.
CNEUCN Three Steps methodology
The first step is to understand what carbon neutrality means, to collect clear data about each area carbon footprint, if we want to reduce carbon emission we should as first study where do they come from and which are the best localize tools to use.
Step 1: Assess.
The goal is to evaluate and assess the actual entity’s carbon footprint, considering all Greenhouse gasses. By a specific calculation model and software, it can be done a comprehensive evaluation including services and goods consumed within the entity but produced elsewhere.
Based on the location average performance, excluding mitigating solutions, a baseline solid and comprehensive footprint is assessed
Step 2: Minimize.
Starting from the baseline scenario, then climate-based strategies and green technologies are selected to minimize the carbon footprint through ad-hoc solutions taking into account the local context and economic sustainability.
All possible integrated solutions are identified and selected to build a carbon free city/area/company. They include “passive” CO2 industrial and urban innovative setups.
In this step, it is essential to rethink the design of the entity energy patterns as well as the entire planning process, from its earliest stages through the project completion.
Step 3: Offset.
The final carbon footprint is assessed considering the project specifics and existing emission trading schemes. To achieve decarbonization, residual emissions are offset through investments in renewables, passive buildings and other carbon-neutral solutions outside the location.
As a result, an area, a city, or a company is transformed into a “virtual carbon sink”.
Three steps methodology was successfully applied in the new energy and carbon emissions planning in a city district, 4.5 sqkm, in Zhejiang province, with a population of almost 20,000 inhabitants. In case of interest, a detailed introduction can be provided to relevant stakeholders.

Looking ahead to 2024, with the increasing support of the central government for the low-carbon transformation, this will certainly be a year when China will accelerate its carbon-neutral transition. We believe that the exchanges and cooperation between China and Europe will be further increased and deepened this year, which will bring more cooperation and win-win situations.
Read the full guidelines, please visit:
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系: [email protected]
For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.
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