CNEUCN and ICC China Environment and Energy Committee jointly held the workshop in Beijing
On April 28, 2024, the “China-EU Electrification and Decarbonization Process Workshop”, jointly organized by China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) and the Environment and Energy Committee of International Chamber of Commerce China (ICC China) was successfully held in Beijing.
More than 60 Chinese and foreign enterprise representatives attended the seminar. Among them: China Three Gorges, Chinalco, COFCO, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, China Power Construction Corporation, State Power Investment Corporation, ABB, Siemens, Velux, Volvo, Amazon, Ford, Hitachi.

CNEUCN核心活动 CNEUCN Core activities
Mr. Zhu Jiwei Deputy Director General of ICC China Secretariat, said in his speech that the adverse effects of global climate change are increasingly apparent, and it has become a global consensus to promote green and low-carbon development and promote the green transformation of the economy and society. China plays a key role in the global renewable energy sector and ICC Environment and Energy Committee will continue to provide professional support to its member companies on this topic.
Mr. Massimo Bagnasco, CNEUCN CEO, pointed out that achieving carbon neutrality is not only about expanding the use of renewable energy, but also means an overall transformation of industrial, economic and social development models. CNEUCN is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises in the process of electrification and decarbonization, and jointly contribute to the response to global climate change and low-carbon transformation.
Johnny Browaeys, Chief Representative of CNEUCN in Europe, introduced the policies and action trends of the Chinese and European governments to address climate change, as well as the EU’s policies and standards related to circular economy. Afterwards he analyzed the concerns and developments of China and Europe in most concerned industrial fields and the specific support that CNEUCN and its partners can provide.
庄博闻先生在整个演讲中强调了欧盟与中国合作的重要性,并着重指出这是最佳的前进道路。他还指出,欧盟的新法规如《企业可持续性发展报告指令》(CSRD) 改变了游戏规则,因为它提出了双重实质性财务报告要求。这将使国际公司在全球市场上获得股票市场和其他关键利益相关者的支持。
Mr Browaeys emphasized the importance of collaboration between Europe and China throughout his presentation, highlighting it as the optimal path forward. He also pointed out that Europe’s new regulations such as the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) are a game changer because of the double materiality financial reporting requirements. These will enable international companies to garner support from stock markets and other key stakeholders in global markets.
接下来,他提到中国在数字化方面处于领先地位,并通过 IPE 网站上的CITI、CATI 和 PITI 等平台促进数据透明化。这些平台根据各种数据和指标对公司进行评估,从而快速了解各个公司的业绩。在演讲中,他还展示了Insblue等数字平台,这些平台在帮助企业实现供应链脱碳方面发挥着重要作用。Insblue可以免费访问,使供应商能够计算整个供应链的排放量。他举例说明了钢铁和铝行业面临的挑战和机遇,讨论了低碳建筑和低碳城市建设的现状和发展。
Next, he mentioned that China is leading in digitalization and promotes data transparency through platforms like CITI, CATI, and PITI, accessible on the IPE website. These platforms evaluate companies based on various data and indicators, offering quick insights into individual company performance. Digital platforms such as Insblue were demonstrated during the presentation, showcasing their role in helping companies decarbonize their supply chains. Insblue, which is freely accessible, enables suppliers to calculate emissions across their entire supply chain. He gave examples of the challenges and opportunities faced in the steel and aluminum industries, discussed the status quo and development of low-carbon buildings and low-carbon city construction.
虽然中国目前的数字平台可能无法完全满足欧盟的新规定,但它们提供了大量节省成本的机会。庄博闻先生详细说明了及时准备收集 CSRD 合规所需的约 1200 个数据点的重要性。有关该主题的更多信息,可通过仲欧脱碳科技获取。最后,庄博闻先生概述了 “协同创新的三大支柱”,以及这一框架如何促进中欧企业之间的合作,从脱碳工作中释放价值。
While China’s current digital platforms may not fully meet Europe’s new regulations, they present significant cost-saving opportunities. Mr. Browaeys detailed the importance of timely preparation for collecting the roughly 1,200 data points required for compliance for CSRD. Further information on this topic can be obtained via CNEUCN. Mr. Browaeys concluded by outlining the “3-pillars of collaborative innovation” and how this framework facilitates cooperation between companies in Europe and China to unlock value from decarbonization efforts.
庄博闻先生还指出,目前公司参与碳市场的主要方法是通过各自国家的虚拟交易所,这与新的 CSRD 原则及其双重实质性财务报告要求保持一致。
Mr. Browaeys also pointed out that currently, the primary method for companies to engage with carbon markets is through virtual exchanges in respective countries, aligned with the principles such as the ones of the new CSRD and its double materiality financial reporting requirements.
The global carbon market has huge potential, and both the EU and China are actively promoting the standardized development of the carbon market.

欧盟相继出台了包括《企业可持续发展报告指令》(CSRD)、《碳边界调节机制》(CBAM)、《欧盟供应链法案》(CSDD)等法律法规在内的”FIT for 55”一揽子政策,以达到2030年温室气体排放减少55%以及2050年全欧盟气候中和的目标,中方企业更应该高度注重合规,积极进行调整,选择最适合的方式进行国际业务的扩张,更好地应对挑战,从价值链脱碳中获益,实现可持续发展。
The EU has successively introduced a package of policies as the “FIT for 55” including the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), the EU Supply Chain Act (CSDD) and other laws and regulations, in order to achieve the goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030 and becoming climate neutral across the EU in 2050. Chinese companies should pay close attention to compliance, actively make adjustments, choose the most suitable way to expand international business, and better cope with challenges, benefit from decarbonizing the value chain and achieve sustainable development.
如需了解更多该研讨会相关内容及安排定制研讨会,请发送邮件至[email protected]
For more information about the workshop contents and to arrange tailor-made seminars, please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.