On May 10th, the European Parliament and the European Council signed the final Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation. The regulation officially entered into force on May 17th 2023.
The CBAM will make the EU ETS more effective and counter carbon leakage, while incentivising third countries to reduce emissions.
Carbon embedded in imported goods will be charged the carbon price difference between the EU and the exporting country. Countries that apply the EU ETS or that are linked to it will be excluded from the CBAM.
While the CBAM is phased in, free allocation of allowances under the EU ETS will be gradually phased out
over a nine-year period (from 2026 to 2034).
The implementation will happen in stages:
- 过渡期:从2023年10月1日到2025年12月31日,每季度的报告为强制性的内容。
- Transition period: mandatory quarterly reporting, from the 1st of October 2023 till the 31st of December 2025
- 过渡期后:从2026年1月1日开始,在碳边境调节机制的基础上,开始收费。
- Post-transition period: mandatory payments, starting the 1st of January in 2026;
- 全面实施:从2035年开始,将逐步取消免费的欧洲碳交易排放配额。
- Full implementation: phasing out of free ETS allowances, starting in 2035.
CBAM guidelines just came out, the comprehensive definition of the regulatory framework is not fully completed up to date and a call for comments is open till July 11th.
Our team and several partners are actively engaged in the CBAM development process and are providing comments to the policy maker authorities to help roll out practical application of these new guidelines.
Companies are recommended to prepare well with a strategy to comply with CBAM.
- 对该机制的具体结构,组成部分做好充分的研究准备工作,并结合自身实际生产情况,开发对应的预估预测模型。
Exploratory and preliminary analysis of the structure and expected implementation models and customization of the methodology;
- 根据自身和第三方、关联方的生产情况制定与碳边境调整机制挂钩的调整方案及时间节点。
Develop operational implementation roadmap and stakeholder engagement plan;
- 定位自己为积极主动的先行者企业,以求能够更快的适应并利用碳边境调整机制,占据生态上游位置,推进产业转型。
Position as a proactive actor to enable and accelerate the ecological and industrial transition.

Next a clear methodology for the measurement, accounting and reporting with definition of relevant KPIs, parametrization and streamlining of key processes, relevant for the CBAM will be needed. Our team has proprietary methods that have been progressively benchmarked with the Commission since early 2022. Methodologies with quantitative KPIs are built on sound science and a comprehensive understanding of the overall present and upcoming policy regime on the transition towards climate neutrality.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系: [email protected]
For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.