

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology & Zhongmin Changqing Signing Ceremony of the MoU on “Double Carbon” Collaboration

欧洲是碳市场建设的先驱者,已走过四个发展阶段,是目前全球最大的区域碳市场,而中国在此领域还处于探索阶段,还存在较大发展空间。双方将合作引入欧洲成熟行业的“碳足迹”和“碳标签”标准,共同探索与欧盟实现碳标签互认的实施路径,为尽早促成中欧互利共通的碳关税机制而努力。 Europe is the pioneer of carbon market construction. It has gone through four stages of development and is currently the world’s largest regional carbon market, while China is still in the exploratory stage in this field, and there is still a lot of room for development. The two sides will cooperate to introduce the …

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology & Zhongmin Changqing Signing Ceremony of the MoU on “Double Carbon” Collaboration Read More »

CNEUCN Business Partner |:Futura Sun China Headquarters and R&D production base settled in Wuzhong

10月24日,伏图拉中国总部和研发生产基地项目签约仪式在苏州市吴中区举行。​ 伏图拉是仲欧脱碳科技业务合作伙伴,是欧洲领先的光伏企业,也是唯一一家位于中国的光伏企业。其在吴中区的新中国总部,必将为吴中区新能源产业的发展注入新动能。 On October 24th, the signing ceremony of Futura Sun China Headquarters and R&D production-based Project was held in Suzhou Wuzhong District.  Futura Sun, a China Europe Carbon Neutral cooperation partner,  is a leading European photovoltaic enterprise as well as the only one based in China. Its new China Headquarters in Wuzhong district, will definitely …

CNEUCN Business Partner |:Futura Sun China Headquarters and R&D production base settled in Wuzhong Read More »

Turin Politecnico University UNITE!:Future-proof network

UNITE! 是欧洲最早的17个大学联盟之一,它汇聚了9所大学,将欧洲地区的经济前景及创业和创新项目融于一体,通过Erasmus+试点项目为欧洲高等教育注入全新活力,并联合合作伙伴制定共同的研究和创新计划,以应对全球挑战,同时产生国际影响。 UNITE! is one of the first 17 university alliances in Europe, bringing together 9 universities, integrating the economic prospects of the European region and entrepreneurship and innovation projects, injecting new vitality into European higher education through the Erasmus+ pilot project, and joint cooperation Partners develop joint research and innovation programs to address global challenges …

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CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 5: Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi – Scientific Committee Member

Ali Cheshmehzangi 博士是建筑学和城市设计的正式教授,拥有建筑学和城市设计博士学位、高等教育研究生证书(PGCHE)、城市设计硕士学位、建筑学专业研究生证书和建筑学学士学位。他是一位城市学家和城市设计师。 Ali Cheshmehzangi 博士主要研究方向是城市以及城市转型、可持续城市化和综合城市设计战略。他同时也是是中国宁波诺丁汉大学(UNNC)建筑与建筑环境系主任和城市创新实验室主任。四年来,他一直担任中国第一座零碳建筑——可持续能源技术中心(2017-21)的主任。并且他还是日本广岛大学和平与可持续性教育与研究网络(NERPS)的特聘教授。 Dr. Ali Cheshmehzangi is a Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design with a Ph.D. Degree in Architecture and Urban Design, a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), a Master’s Degree in Urban Design, a Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies in Architecture, and a Bachelor Degree in Architecture. He is an …

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MIIT: Promote industrial green, low-carbon & circular development

9月19日,工业和信息化部召开以“推动产业绿色低碳循环发展”为主题的“新时代工业和信息化发展”系列第八场新闻发布会。 On September 19, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held the eighth press conference of the “New Era Industrial and Informatization Development” series, with the theme of “Promoting the Green and Low-carbon Circular Development of Industries.”  工业和信息化部节能与综合利用司司长黄利斌,财务司副司长、一级巡视员翁啟文,原材料工业司副司长冯猛出席发布会。新闻发布会由工业和信息化部新闻宣传中心副主任赵荣贵主持。 Huang Libin, Director of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization Department of the Ministry of Industry and …

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Urban-rural integration towards a European exploration of carbon neutrality : Overview on the Urban Climate and Energy Transition

城镇化进程给农村地区的发展带来了机遇与挑战,而双碳目标的提出更是给新时期的城镇化提出了新的要求。在人口和产业高度向城市集中的过程中,如何协调城乡发展,提高能源和资源的利用效率,这既涉及产业转型的问题,也有观念转变的问题。因此,了解农村可持续发展的重要性和迫切需求,重新思考过去几十年影响和塑造了中国农村地区发展的城镇化战略十分必要。  The process of urbanization has brought opportunities and challenges to the development of rural areas, and the proposal of the dual-carbon goal has put forward new requirements for urbanization in the new era. In the process of high concentration of population and industries in cities, how to coordinate urban and rural development and improve …

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Professor Wu and Bagnasco joined “Ningbo Innovation Design Week Green Intelligent and Innovative Design Forum”

9月3日,2022年宁波创新设计周正式开幕,中国工程院原常务副院长、中国创新设计产业战略联盟理事长潘云鹤院士,中国工程院院士、仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会主席吴志强院士出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。双院士阵容加持设计周,国家级智库云集,共商智能数字驱动的创新城市未来。 On September 3, the 2022 Ningbo Innovation Design Week officially opened. Academician Pan Yunhe, former executive vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of the China Innovation and design industry strategic alliance, and academician Wu Zhiqiang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) Scientific …

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CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 4: Senior Researcher Wang Yu – Scientific Committee Member

建筑与规划系高级研究员,挪威科技大学。他的研究重点是快速城市化及其对城市居民、遗产保护和城市复原力的影响。他还在校长办公室兼职,负责挪威科技大学与中国的合作。2021年起任研究部副主任。 Wang Yu is senior researcher at department of Architecture and Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research is focusing on the fast urbanization and its impacts on urban inhabitants, heritage conservation and urban resilience. He also holds a part-time position at rector’s office for NTNU-China cooperation. Since 2021, he has been …

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Welcome to FuturaSun! The newest CNEUCN strategic partner

伏图拉总部位于意大利,是集光伏组件的研发、销售和制造为一体的多元化公司。依靠积极的价值观念、先进的技术实力、优异的售后服务和敏锐的市场洞察力,深受欧洲市场的信赖,是欧洲光伏龙头企业。实现碳中和的重中之重是推进能源转型,当下,全球能源加速向低碳、零碳的方向转变,可再生能源将逐步成为支撑经济社会发展的主力能源,太阳能是可再生能源的重要组成部分,而成立于2008年的伏图拉,已在该领域深耕了15年。 FuturaSun, headquartered in Italy, is a diversified company that integrates R&D, sales and manufacturing of Photovoltaic modules. Relying on positive values, advanced technological strength, excellent after-sales service and keen market insight, it is trusted by the European market and is a leading European PV company. The top priority for achieving carbon neutrality is to …

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CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 3: Professor Spigarelli – Scientific Committee Member

Dr. Francesca Spigarelli is Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Law at University of Macerata. In University of Macerata’s administration, she has been Vice Rector for Entrepreneurship and Technological Transfer, the European Research policy, the European Charter and Code for Researchers and European Research Policy since 2013. Since this year Francesca also holds the …

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