

Energy supply shortage: we can help you to reduce your energy consumption and improve the efficiency!

17年前,中国经历了一场贯穿全年、蔓延全国的电荒。在这场严重的电力危机刺激下,中国电源投资建设 进入了一段高速发展时期。为什么近20年后的今天,大面积电力供应紧张再度出现? Seventeen years ago, China experienced a power shortage that ran throughout the year and spread across the country. Stimulated by this severe power crisis, China’s power investment and construction has entered a period of rapid development. Why is the shortage of large-scale power supply appearing again today, nearly 20 years later? 事实上,在过去十几年里,电网每到夏季都要经受“迎峰度夏”挑战。中国的地理环境特性也决定了每年都会受天气影响,出现降温负荷暴涨下的用电负荷尖峰时段。除了季节性因素和异常高温天气影响外,今年全国较大范围的电力供应紧张主要是电力供应不足造成的。面对用电负荷的不断增长,各地区陆续出台有序用电、错峰用电、季节性尖峰电价等政策,部分地区还采取高耗能企业限电停产的政策。“拉闸限电”再度回到全社会的视野之中。 In …

Energy supply shortage: we can help you to reduce your energy consumption and improve the efficiency! Read More »

“Green Low Carbon, Park First” Series 4th Webinar by GPIPC with participation of Saint Gobain – INSPACE. Another synergic action by CNEUCN’s partners for the common target of China “Dual carbon goal”

速造系统装配度高,可以降低功耗,减少装修过程中产生的垃圾,便于清洁和运输。材料可以在以后的操作和维护过程中进行拆卸、回收和再利用。速造利用制造技术和产品创造可持续、轻量化的空间。 INSPACE system has a high degree of assembly, which can reduce the power consumption, and reduce the waste generated in the decoration process, which is convenient for cleaning and transportation. Material can be disassembled, recovered and reused in the later operation and maintenance process. INSPACE creates sustainable, lightweight spaces with pre-fabricated technologies and products. …

“Green Low Carbon, Park First” Series 4th Webinar by GPIPC with participation of Saint Gobain – INSPACE. Another synergic action by CNEUCN’s partners for the common target of China “Dual carbon goal” Read More »

CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 2: Professor Sigfried Wu – Scientific Committee Co-chairman

国务院政府特殊津贴专家、德国工程科学院院士、瑞典皇家工程科学院院士、中国2010年上海世博会园区总规划师、北京城市副中心城市综合设计方案总规划师。国务院学位委员会城乡规划学科评估组第一召集人,曾任全国城乡规划学专业指导委员会主任委员、亚洲规划机构联合会主席、世界规划院校联合会首届联席主席。仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会联合主席。 Expert on special government allowance of the State Council, academician of the German Academy of Engineering, academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, chief planner of China’s 2010 Shanghai World Expo Park, and chief planner of the comprehensive urban design scheme of Beijing Sub Center. The first convener of the urban and rural …

CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 2: Professor Sigfried Wu – Scientific Committee Co-chairman Read More »

CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 1: Researcher Li Tie

研究员、博士生导师、国务院特殊津贴专家,原中国城市和小城镇改革发展中心主任、理事长、首席经济学家、智慧城市发展联盟理事长。曾在中共中央农村政策研究室、国家经济体制改革委员会、国务院经济体制改革办公室等单位任职。 Researcher, doctoral supervisor, special allowance expert of the State Council, former Director, Chairman and Chief economist of China Urban and Small-Town Reform and Development Center, and Chairman of Smart City Development Alliance. He worked in the Rural Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, the National Economic System Reform Commission, the Economic System …

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Implementation Plan for New-type Urbanization during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

7月12日,国家发展改革委发布关于印发“十四五”新型城镇化实施方案的通知。 On July 12nd, the National Development and Reform Commission Issued the Implementation Plan for New-type Urbanization during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period 查看全文请点击下面的链接 For the full article please click on the link below 国家发展改革委 如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系Simona Yang女士 ,邮件:[email protected] For more information and further details please contact Ms. Simona Yang, email: [email protected] 仲欧脱碳科技有限公司中欧碳中和可持续城市发展平台项目将由为此项目成立的同名私营公司运营,旨在通过聚集各方优势,针对每一个课题制定出量身打造的解决方案,以全面和包容的工作方式为中国的碳中和之路添砖加瓦。 仲欧脱碳科技有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。 China Europe Carbon Neutral …

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Energy Consumption Assessment and Energy-saving Supervision in Industrial Parks Webinar

国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟#GPIPC 在埃顿集团 #ADEN 的参与下,成功举办了工业园区能耗消费考核评价及节能督察实务网络研讨会。很高兴看到仲欧脱碳科技 CNEUCN 的合作伙伴,合作不断的加强! Energy Consumption Assessment and Energy-saving Supervision in Industrial Parks webinar was successfully organized by GPIPC with Aden participation. Glad to see CNEUCN’s partners cooperation enhancing! 查看全文请点击下面的链接 For the full article please click on the link below : “绿色低碳,园区先行”系列公益云课堂第二期:工业园区能源消费考核评价及节能督察实务主题活动顺利召开 如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系Simona Yang女士 ,邮件:[email protected] For more information and further details please contact …

Energy Consumption Assessment and Energy-saving Supervision in Industrial Parks Webinar Read More »

The first Hainan International Design Week “Carbon Neutrality Design” Forum.

海口,2022年6月8日举行首届海南国际设计周“低碳设计 中意同行”论坛。该论坛邀请意大利知名企业、设计师和设计机构,从碳中和与城市发展,绿色设计与制造、绿色智能出行、低碳社区营造等角度探讨如何通过低碳设计实现更加可持续的生活方式。 Haikou, June 8, 2022, the “Carbon Neutral Design – China & Italy Together” Forum of the First Hainan International Design Week was held. The forum invited well-known Italian enterprises, designers and design institutions to discuss how to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle through low-carbon design from the perspectives of carbon neutralization and urban …

The first Hainan International Design Week “Carbon Neutrality Design” Forum. Read More »

Welcome to SAINT-GOBAIN and INSPACE! The latest CNEUCN strategic partners 

圣戈班是世界财富500强企业,也是建材行业的全球领导者、设计、制造和分销材料和解决方案,这些材料和解决方案是我们每个人的福祉和所有人的未来的关键因素。它们在我们的生活场所和日常生活中随处可见:在建筑物、交通、基础设施和许多工业应用中。我们每个人的福祉和所有人的未来的关键因素。它们提供舒适性、性能和安全性,同时应对可持续建筑、资源效率和气候变化的挑战。 Saint-Gobain a world’s Fortune 500 companies and a global leader in the building materials industry, designs, manufactures, and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the wellbeing of each of us and the future of all. They can be found everywhere in our living places and our daily life: in buildings, transportation, …

Welcome to SAINT-GOBAIN and INSPACE! The latest CNEUCN strategic partners  Read More »

The 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu puts forward the goal of carbon neutrality

The 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu puts forward the goal of carbon neutrality成都第31届世界大学生夏季运动会提出碳中和目标 成都第31届世界大学生夏季运动会(简称成都大运会)绿色低碳办赛新闻通气会22日在成都举行。成都市生态环境局总工程师杨斌平介绍,经初步核算,成都大运会将实现减少碳排放2.3万余吨。 On April 22nd the press briefing on the green and low-carbon competition of the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu (hereinafter referred to as the Chengdu Universiade) was held in Chengdu. During the briefing, Yang BinPing Chief Engineer of Chengdu Ecological Environment …

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CNEUCN Scientific Committee Kickoff Meeting

On April 22nd the press briefing on the green and low-carbon competition of the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu (hereinafter referred to as the Chengdu Universiade) was held in Chengdu. During the briefing, Yang BinPing Chief Engineer of Chengdu Ecological Environment Bureau, introduced after preliminary accounting, that the Chengdu Universiade will reduce the carbon emissions by more than 23000 tons.